Concert Notes: Steve Kimock Band & Happy Birthday Michelle
Date: Saturday, November 26, 2005
Location: Bowery Ballroom on Delancey Street in NYC

Well, I had just returned to NY from visiting my mom in Baltimore. The drive back was uneventful and I still had a great deal of unpacking to do on my new apartment.
I had turned my friend, Michelle K. on to a Kimock bootleg weeks earlier and now was the big night to see him live. Tied to this night, it was Michelle's birthday so we not only had a lot to be thankful for, but we also had a celebration prior to the show. After a ta$ty group meal with Tom, Nancy, Susan, and Rachel at La E$quina on Kenmare Street, we invited Tom and Nancy to come to the show with us. Just prior to going in, we went to Pioneer Bar on Bowery Street. A good selection of brews and decent menu await those with the time to engage in a pre-show party at the Pioneer.
Now for those who have never seen Kimock, first word of advice: wear comfortable shoes. You will be up for the duration of each of the 70+ minute sets. Even though the music is so mellow, it is best experienced up close for the fullest of sound and most intricate of noodling during and between songs.
Steve is a guitar virtuoso and his lineup, drummer Rodney Holmes, bassist Reed Mathis, and keyboardist Robert Walter are some of the strongest musicians to play with and challenge Steve in a long time.
I used to tape Kimock live, but the availability of digital soundboards obviates the need to tote a tapedeck and battery pack to undertake the effort and expense of making two tapes and later tracking the IDs and burning CDs. Too much cost and effort in the live experience. As Michelle noted, it's the changing of the way that I approach my hobby.
This show was in my opinion, not quite as intense and heavy, as prior Kimock shows - my first experience with him was the legendary Wetlands show in October 1998 where they played from 10:30 to 4 am. Nevertheless, the music was as good as it gets for a Saturday in November. It was good to see Ron Keyser, taper extraordinaire from Baltimore, post-show.
The link below contains the setlist and I can vouch for the ethereal and excellent quality of the download (setlist and order page) from Digital
Kimock is an acquired taste but if you are ready to take a musical journey, then hop on and ride the K-waves.
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